
LED products cheap adverse trends to be addressed by the standard components

LED products, has introduced the price factor has also led to the emergence of a substantial change in the future by the LED lights for lighting dominate the coming era, according to the current LED lamp market retail price data show that from the beginning of early March 2013 in the world within the scope of the sales price of LED lights to stabilize the downward trend revealed, this trend has led to closer and grape prices fluorescent, so consumers will choose a tendency to tilt to choose LED lights above, this market penetration method has been constantly spreading.

Consumer trends is this market makes another bad gradual emergence of the phenomenon that some mess of cheap low-quality led street light with solar panel constantly appear on the market, affecting the degree of consumer acceptance for LED lights, LED lights for popularity is a huge negative impact, bringing people are gradually declining for the recognition of LED lights.

In the case of such a quality decline will inevitably lead to the emergence of a market crisis, because now people use for LED lamp market is very large, in the face of such a large demand for quality must be strictly in the first place, so for this understanding requires people to put quality first.

Demand from the market in the first quarter of this year, led street lights price is growing at a rapid growth occurs, and public lighting market due to increased driving force, has now launched a new round of promotion boom, is expected to be installed in Guangdong will be new 1.1 million of the street, it would be a big undertaking.

At the same time we have to overcome some bad impact on the market due to low quality, the core ingredient of choice to maintain a certain degree of market power, it also requires efforts on high-quality, true energy efficient applications.

