
NEC to develop beyond the LED Lighting OLED panel

According to reports, NEC's engaged in the lighting business subsidiary of NEC Lighting has developed a under the same power consumption, brightness up to 2 times higher than existing products lighting OLED panel. It is reported that the current lighting with a luminous efficiency of the OLED panel maximum of 60 lm / W, the current mainstream of LED lighting luminous efficiency as compared to 60-100 lm / W and up to 156 lm / W, the luminous efficiency of the OLED panel developed by NEC.

    Reported that the products developed by the NEC this is a mere 2mm square panel within 3-4 years after plans to expand the size of the product to the production must (side length) 10cm luminous efficiency LED lighting to go beyond. The report pointed out that OLED lighting has the whole piece of the ceiling / wall light, or bending characteristics, is regarded as the next generation of lighting products, but their biggest problem is the high manufacturing costs, as well as poor luminous efficiency.

More info you can visit: www.lead-lighting.com

