
Developing the the wireless network LED lighting lamps

New ventures Daintree, Cree also like to think of the way the wireless network connection bulb idea , but , unlike the Cree to develop their own platform , Daintree using a low-power wireless network communication technology ZigBee, on the other hand , Daintree better to Cree itself is LED manufacturers, in order to promote its technology , has been actively working with manufacturers to find the Osram (Osram) North American Branch OsramSylvania cooperation in 2012 , 2013 to find the Marvell Technology Company (MarvellTechnologyGroup) and LED control chip Manufacturers Orama, the Daintree system needs ZigBee chip built directly into the OramaLED control chip, the cost increase of $ 2, but reduced the cost of building lighting control system line entity approximately $ 100 per bulb , one to one to save 98 dollars.
2014 , Daintree again find the giant cooperative , this is a Korean factory LG, 2014 In March 2009, the two sides announced , LG will sell a built Daintree control system, that the built-in ZigBee led high bay light supplier , LG said that ZigBee is generally the use of low-power wireless network platform is an open platform , unlike other lighting control system platform only compatible with its own system, which is an advantage of the Daintree . However , the lighting control market size is unlimited , ZigBee specification is not universal , but rather the major plant closure specifications promoted by its own strength now more mainstream, in addition to Cree 's SmartCast, as well as Philips (Philips) of SpaceWise, as well as other industry has launched numerous specifications.
However, no matter who is the principle of specification , the thinking behind is the same : the built- in lighting the way to build a wireless network lighting control system , far cheaper to build physical lines in the building .
But the one hand, cooperation with LG Daintree, launch the built-in ZigBee LED lights , on the other hand , it also continues to launch wire lighting control system installation group , with the last fixture , because the way you want to use a wireless network , you have not previously within build wireless networks lamps, to the overall replacement, many customers want to hear just bought led high bay light supplier to replace all , shunned , so although the future of wireless solutions for better flexibility and upgrade is possible, but there are still many customers choose the old way in the past , and LG also had to meet their needs. This phenomenon also shows that in some areas, although the trend is already evident in the future , but still can not completely and immediately entered a new era.

More info you can visit:http://www.lead-lighting.com/products/sid20-1.htm

